Warmth and delight. With the kitchen the heart of many homes, we seek to create a space that provides a charmed, warm welcome for our family and guests. This can be achieved with warm woods, a rich white paint a honed finished countertop, and a welcoming tile backsplash or statement wall. We seek to inspire your designs and help you create a space that reflects your personal style and creates a welcoming environment.

Is it unusual for Walker Zanger to suggest that a kitchen can be designed around the desserts that we find the most charming? Perhaps; but with all of us spending more time in our kitchens baking more –sweet confections are on our mind!

These sweet cakes are perfect morsels serving up charm and delight in one bite. We look to 6th Ave white for the frosting and Harper’s Shell and Sand Dollar to add the kiss of color that brings visible interest to the dessert. While the pink in our Pietta Donovan collection, Lilly Pilly delivers that moment of joy. With this pastel and neutral color palette, you’re living in a confectioner’s dream!